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Front Desk welcomeNew Patient Center

If you’re visiting our Naperville chiropractic care center for the first time, we’d like you to know exactly what to expect. We want your time with us to be relaxing and efficient.

Optimum Wellness Chiropractic is often described as beautiful, modern and technologically-advanced. Yet, the comments we most commonly hear are “This place is so warm and welcoming. I feel so at home when I’m here.” We hope you’ll feel the same way.

Although we’re a family practice, we do cater to babies and children of all ages. Each child has their own exclusive pattern of behavior. We base our initial sessions on those patterns.

A Possible Initial Phone Consultation

Depending on your child, your first contact with Dr. Rick may be a phone consultation. If you feel that you would have a difficult time in chatting on the first visit, let us know. If it would be more convenient to discuss your child’s needs without the child present at first, we’ll understand. Our office wants to help in any way we can. Instead we’ll either have you download our new patient paperwork from our website, or we’ll email it to you. Once you’ve completed the intake form, it can be sent back to our office where Dr. Rick can review it with you over the phone. By starting out this way, Dr. Rick can have your full attention and your child will benefit.

Your First Visit

When you do make your first visit to the office, you’ll be taken on what we call an “EPIC tour”. Our staff does this so that you can see our facilities and get a feel for what we offer.

You’ll then be taken to a consultation room, where Dr. Rick will conduct a full assessment, including

  • A more in-depth case history
  • A discussion of what we do and why we do it (Vital education)
  • Painless, noninvasive scan technology through the Insight Subluxation Station.™ You or your child will be gowned for this part of the evaluation.
  • Orthopedic and neurological examination of the spine through spinal palpation
  • Digital X-rays, if necessary. (we provide on-site X-rays)

The first office visit takes about 45 to 60 minutes.

Your Second Visit

Dr. Rick will do a thorough case interpretation before meeting with you for the second time. This second visit will take approximately 30 minutes.

During this appointment, the doctor will evaluate the examination, scan findings and x-rays (if taken) to help you understand the source of the problem. He’ll then discuss customized care plans to balance and normalize your nervous system. We’ll also talk about financing options to help you meet your stated goals.

You or your child will then receive your first gentle chiropractic adjustment.

The Perfect Storm

Kids have many health issues today, ranging from allergies to ADD. To help parents better understand why this is becoming so common, we offer seminars called The Perfect Storm. Our office will also be conducting workshops called Kick the Sick. All are strongly encouraged to attend.

“The preservation of health is easier than the cure for disease.” – B.J. Palmer, The Father of Chiropractic

Get Started Today

We love children. Our office particularly loves to see kids that are healthy and happy, living up to their full potential. Chiropractic care is one of the greatest gifts a parent can give to a developing child. We want to welcome you to our friendly office; you’ll be amazed at what chiropractic care can do. Contact us today!


New Patient Center | (630) 364-2034